Recently I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy 2, and it's certainly grown on me. When I first got the game, I just never got that into it, and I ended up pushing it aside. For some reason or another, I decided to give a second shot. Over the course of this game, I've gone from "Well, I guess this game is alright" to "Oh, hey, this is nice, in the later levels they're bringing back some of the difficulty of the earlier games" to "GAH, FUCK YOU MARIO, FUCK YOU."
That Italian chap looks so innocent on the cover, but that's how he gets you. |
In some senses I've really appreciated the difficulty, but in other sense it really feels satanic. Sometimes you'll get a difficult star and feel a sense of accomplishment, only for the game to slap you back with "Alright, cool, do it again without getting hit and I'll give you another star." or "Cool, do it again in less than a minute." The game seems to have a sadistic level of hate within it. I'm convinced this game was not created by man but rather by a robot that can only feel pain as his revenge on mankind for creating him. No matter what you do to appease the game, you just can't. You do something, it wants you to do it faster. You do something else, it wants it more accurate. It's like a daughter with no siblings trying to appease her dad who always wanted a son. Sure, maybe you CAN throw a football, but you throw like a girl, so he's just going to offhandedly toss a a star your way and tell you to throw better if you want any more.
I don't understand, is this a puzzle game now? W-what... you want me... to platform across that... thing? |
Perhaps the biggest kick in the nuts comes when you get 120 stars and have reason to believe that you've beaten the game.
At that point the game informs you casually that there are 120 MORE stars for you to go collect. It's like you finally learned out to play football like a pro and your dad congratulates you and says "Alright, come on, I'll teach you baseball now."
All I'm saying is that either way you might be better off sticking to ballet.
MAZ- lol I don't have any Mario Galaxy! Sounds fun though, I should get that one day! Just hearing about it makes me miss Super Mario 64.